Reset by David Murray

Do I know how to rest? After reading Reset by David Murray, I realized that I have much to put into practice. David Murray, who in addition to keeping a great blog also writes excellent books, challenged me in areas that I desperately needed to be challenged. He draws from his experience as a pastor to address all men in the area of rest and a sustainable lifestyle. While he is able to hit pastors the most directly (and he acknowledges this in his book), he also is able to impart wisdom to all men.

Sadly, the ones who need this book the most will probably be those who will refuse to find time to read it, or alternatively only read reviews and summaries of the book. Let me encourage those of you who find yourself in that camp to take the very limited amount of time needed to read its pages and implement the very practical suggestions that Murray gives. Once you do that, you might then realize that you now have more time to read and grow and truly live.

A review copy of this book was provided by the publisher.

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